Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Documentry - College Life



When I first when on to my computer, I went through all the footage and started to decide what clips I wanted to use and what clips where rubbish. This took about two lessons to do because after I decided that I wanted to use a certain clip I imported it to Avid. I have done this so I wouldn’t forget what clips I wanted to use. Once I had chosen what clips I wanted and they were all uploaded, I put them on the timeline in chronological order so I could start to picture in my mind how I could make the message of the video stand out.

Unfortunately with some of the footage, the person who was speaking wasn’t loud enough or the background noises was drowning out who was talking, luckily we had a zoom mic with us so that all we needed to do was to sync up the sound with any clips that needed it.

When I was cutting the interviews up, it was difficult when I was cutting up Tara’s interview because I didn’t know what questions were being asked as they were not mentioned in the video. For example, when Tara was asked ‘how does college compare to school?’ was hard to find the answer because there wasn’t much of a gap from one answer to the next but when I finally paired the question and answer together it worked really well.

After I looked over my video with Caroline, she made me realise that some parts were too long and some transitions needed to be taken away, with this in mind it help to improve my video and it doesn’t seem as if it drags on for too long.

Another problem I came across when I was editing was that I was finding it hard to make my final edit look enough as their wasn’t enough footage to work with. There was good footage to work with but there wasn’t enough of it as I struggled to make my footage long enough. To rectify this I first added an opening and closing credits so it made it to be just over three minutes. In the next week Max, Nathan and Alan went off to take some more footage of college and they done another interview. This helped me a lot as my final edit is now 3 minutes 15 seconds.

After all the transitions were done I added music in the background to hind some of the background noises and to fill any gaps where there was no sound.

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